#!/bin/bash # script : tools/mkpatch # author : willy tarreau # function: creates the full patch between the base and patched kernels # usage : $0 # This script uses the variable BASEVER for the base kernel version, the # variable KERNVER for the new kernel version, and the variable KERNDIR for # the current kernel location. [ -z "$BASEVER" ] && set -- $(grep -ih -m 1 "^++.*Based" CONTENTS) && BASEVER=$5 [ -z "$KERNVER" ] && set -- $(grep -ih -m 1 "^++.*Kernel" CONTENTS) && KERNVER=$4 ORIGDIR="$PWD" find kernel/linux-$KERNVER -name '*~' -o -name '*.orig' -o -type f -a -size 0 | xargs rm -f BV1=${BASEVER%%[^0-9]*} ; BV2=${BASEVER#$BV1[^0-9]} BP1=${BV2%%[^0-9]*} ; BP2=${BV2#$BP1[^0-9]} BS1=${BP2%%[^0-9]*} ; BS2=${BP2#$BS1} KV1=${KERNVER%%[^0-9]*} ; KV2=${KERNVER#$KV1[^0-9]} KP1=${KV2%%[^0-9]*} ; KP2=${KV2#$KP1[^0-9]} KS1=${KP2%%[^0-9]*} ; KS2=${KP2#$KS1} # The final patch will be named "<KERNVER>.diff" only if the base kernel is of # the same version. if [ "$BV1" = "$KV1" -a "$BP1" = "$KP1" -a "$BS1" = "$KS1" -a -z "$BS2" ]; then KNAME=$KERNVER else KNAME=$BASEVER-$KERNVER fi rm -f merged 2>/dev/null mkdir -p merged rm -f merged/$KNAME.diff ( cd kernel ; find linux-$BASEVER linux-$KERNVER \ -name '*.rej' -o -name '*.orig' -o -name '*~' -o -size 0 \ | xargs rm -vf ; diff -urN --exclude=".copied" --exclude=".patched" \ linux-$BASEVER linux-$KERNVER \ | grep -v '^diff ' >$ORIGDIR/merged/$KNAME.diff ) rm -f merged/$KNAME.desc cp CONTENTS merged/$KNAME.desc if [ "$KNAME" != "$BASEVER-$KERNVER" ]; then ln -sf $KNAME.diff merged/$BASEVER-$KERNVER.diff ln -sf $KNAME.desc merged/$BASEVER-$KERNVER.desc fi echo "The final patches against kernel $BASEVER have been generated in directory 'merged'." exit 0